The stars at night are big and bright...

The stars at night are big and bright...
The stars at night are big and bright...

Monday, November 16, 2009


For the last few months I have been getting strange comments in Japanese from what I can only assume is some sort of bot. I've blocked them for security concerns, but I do have to admit they are off the wall or very lost in translation.


Babblefish Translation - SM exposure swapping lesbianism woman equipment [huechi] and the like…Normally, the world where unsatisfactory you think and can enjoy freely! Yourtry searching just don't your partner? Only being abnormal, please pass the time of the happiness which you cannot taste.


el chupacabra said...

"Only being abnormal, please pass the time of the happiness which you cannot taste."

My new motto.

el chupacabra said...

PS although I guess it probably IS since the translation did get rendered (no matter comically) are you sure that's Japanese?

RPM said...

No, I'm not. But Korean and Chinese were less intelligible.

I get 5 or 6 of these a week with the most random things you can imagine.