The stars at night are big and bright...

The stars at night are big and bright...
The stars at night are big and bright...

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

WTF Were You Thinking?

Just a question for the terrorists that attacked the Boston Marathon. As of now we don't know who you are. But I want to know WTF were you thinking?

First you attack the point with the most trained and concentrated medical personnel on the course. Response was swift and effective.

Second you attacked Boston. Have you ever been to Boston? The last people you want pissed off at you is a bunch of Southies. You also attacked them on a holiday. They don't take it kindly when you screw up their day off.

Obviously you didn't think this out. Now you have a bunch of wicked pissed Southies that want payback and the rest of their American brothers have their back.

WTF were you thinking?

1 comment:

an Donalbane said...

Oh, I thought you were talking to me - I'll answer to WTFWYT almost as easily as "Hey Don!" - have heard it almost as many times... ;-)