The stars at night are big and bright...

The stars at night are big and bright...
The stars at night are big and bright...

Monday, February 18, 2008

Not Your Mother's Travelogue

For those unfamiliar with Tony Bourdain you have an excellent opportunity to become indoctrinated today. Travel Channel is running a No Reservations marathon.

I have been hooked on this show from the first time I watched. Tony is a well known New York chef that happens to be a prolific writer. He also posesses a wicked sense of humor. Not quite a Hunter S. Thompson, but something along those gonzo lines.

He goes off the beaten path and gives you a real look at the people and places he visits not the usual "Chamber of Commerce" tour. Altho he is a famous French chef, the man loves foods from everywhere and is especially fond of a good pig. He smokes, he drinks, he cusses and he's not PC in any sense of the term.

Definitely DVR worthy.

1 comment:

sandman said...

Between Bourdain on the Travel Channel and Ramsay on the BBC, I haven't watched much else during the writer's strike.