Thursday, February 28, 2008
Help, Skipper!!!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
The Nightmare Continues

First, I already bought all the materials for the job, $800 worth. I went with 25 year metal siding this time instead of vinyl. I also bought premium house wrap, not the cheap stuff. I'm not planning on having another fire, but if so it's gonna have to be a big one to melt metal.
At the most it is a two man 8 hour job. The hard part is replacing the house wrap beneath the floor insulation. I've already tacked the insulation back in place, just need to slide the wrap in beneath and staple it. It's not an easy job, but it's not a $2200 job either.
No news on the "who's responsable" front. I have a feeling this is going to wind up in a lawyer's office somewhere. I still have to replace all the windows on the west side of the house and the a/c unit was barbecued. So far, I have'nt needed it. But we all know what is coming down the road. I bet we see 100 degrees inside of 90 days. Yahoo...
Then there's the matter of all my stuff that was toasted. Air compressor, battery charger, tractor tires, brush hog, grain drill, hoses, power cords, building materials and ironicly, my barbecue smoker. I had a lot of stuff that got destroyed. Somebody's got to make good for it. You know if the shoe was on the other foot I would have everyone under the sun suing me.
More news as it develops.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Ancient Chinese Secret, Huh?
Monday, February 25, 2008
4 + 4 = 1

Sunday, February 24, 2008
I Wonder What Causes That?

Saturday, February 23, 2008
Movie of the Week: Part Deux

Friday, February 22, 2008
Still More Phil...

Thursday, February 21, 2008
I Was Forced To Do It?

One thing I did notice was the extraordinary amount of Letters to the Editor in the Bridgeport Index supporting King. Usually there are 2 or 3 letters from the usual suspects, but this week there was a flood of "Vote King" letters. Man, those Wise Republican Women are going to break the bank on postage.
Remember kiddos, just say NO to da King!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
He Shoots, He Scores!!!

From Reuters
The SM-3 missile was fired from the USS Lake Erie in the Pacific at about
10:26 EST and hit the bus-sized satellite about 133 nautical miles above the
ocean, the Pentagon said in a statement.
"A network of land, air, sea and
space-based sensors confirms that the U.S. military intercepted a nonfunctioning
National Reconnaissance Office satellite which was in its final orbits before
entering the earth's atmosphere," it said.
"Confirmation that the fuel tank has been fragmented should be
available within 24 hours," the statement said.Fueltank...yeah, that's the ticket!
Movie of the Week

This is such a complex film I almost feel guilty trying to cover it. Stalag 17 is not your prototypical WWII movie. It's literally all over the map plotwise. Coldblooded Nazi's, POW's and somebody is a collaborator. It jumps from dead serious drama to slapstick comedy and back again. Not an easy thing to do and make it work. Trust me, it works in this film.
William Holden plays the central character, anti-hero Sgt. J.J. Sefton. A smooth operator that runs the camp black market. You want to place a bet on the mouse races (Snicklefritz in the 1st is sure thing!), a shot of moonshine, a pack of smokes or maybe even a fresh egg... Sefton is your man. His black market dealings do nothing to endear him to his fellow POW's. Add to it that nobody has successfully escaped from Stalag 17 and that the Germans always seem to know just exactly what is going on inside the barracks and the group consensus for collaborator is Sefton. Everyone knows Sefton is the snitch, except for Sefton and the man who is.
I won't give any spoilers just in case you have not had the pleasure of seeing this film. Just suffice to say this is a timeless movie with a superb script and excellent ensemble cast featuring Holden, Otto Preminger, Neville Brand, Don Taylor and Peter Graves. Robert Strauss and Harvey Lembeck also give outstanding performances as the main comic relief.
Best Actor Oscar for Holden and nominations for Best Supporting Actor (Robert Strauss) and Best Director (Billy Wilder).
This is a must watch for any serious film coineseur.
Worst Kept Secret in the History of Ever

Let's see, a new bank, a new LaQuinta and a new McDonald's right down the street.
I wonder what on earth it could be???
Loose lips sink ships!
Mickey Who?
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Will They Name The Missle "The Eagle"?

From CNN
Decatur will fire the last chance missile should the first two miss. It will also be handling the targeting telemetry for all three attempts. The missle will be a kinetic strike, meaning it's actually going to punch a hole in the satellite not just blow up close to it. The closing speed will be around 22,000 MPH. That is ludicrus speed!
The cover story is that the dead sat has about 1,000 lbs hydrazine propellant on board. Real nasty stuff stored in a beryllium tank. It's enough to contaminate an area the size of 2 football fields. So we are going to lob $10 million dollar missles at it.
The real story is probably more along the lines of we don't want anybody snooping around with whats left of a state of the art US spy satellite. That and a strong message to anyone that has doubts about the Anti-Ballistic Missle system we have sunk billions into. Besides, how often do you get to have a live fire test?
We should find out about 9:30 tomorrow night if they put one in the pickle barrel.
Good hunting, Decatur!
Oh, and there is absoulutely no truth to the rumor they are secretly trying to make a bankshot into Bridgeport.
Worst Traffic Ever
I don't know who timed those traffic lights, but he has a twisted sense of humor. Traffic backs up from the 51/287 intersection past Sonic/AutoZone. That light turns green and before the traffic can get moving a fresh crop of cars comes from the light at 51/Thompson.
W T F???
I'd lay odds that this little piece of highway design magic is the brainchild of the same TxDOT engineer that designed the U-Turn exit at 287/380 and proposed putting a stoplight at the bottom of the hill at 287/1810.
Why do I suspect he's secretly an agent of Site Concrete?
Monday, February 18, 2008
Not Your Mother's Travelogue

I have been hooked on this show from the first time I watched. Tony is a well known New York chef that happens to be a prolific writer. He also posesses a wicked sense of humor. Not quite a Hunter S. Thompson, but something along those gonzo lines.
He goes off the beaten path and gives you a real look at the people and places he visits not the usual "Chamber of Commerce" tour. Altho he is a famous French chef, the man loves foods from everywhere and is especially fond of a good pig. He smokes, he drinks, he cusses and he's not PC in any sense of the term.
Definitely DVR worthy.
Sunday, February 17, 2008

My personal pick Dale Earnhardt, Jr. finished 9th, but he was the top finisher for Hendrick Motorsports. Jimmy Johnson crashed and Jeff Gordon dropped out with mechanical problems.
Besides winning the purse for the race, Ryan Newman collected a cool One Millllllllion dollars from Dodge.
OK, time to head out west to the land of swimmin' pools and movie stars.
Countdown to TMS: 49 days
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Kyle Bush ran a great race. He did'nt make any friends with Martin Truex, Jr either. His blocking on the last lap made me think of the glory days of Daytona with Allison and Yarbrough. Truex whined about it after the race, Bush pointed out Truex was pushing him sideways all the way down the frontstretch. Waa.
Man, was Dave Burns giving Junior a beatdown or what? That was the longest interview I've ever seen for a 3rd place finish. Burns had Earnhardt so whipped he was speaking about himself in 3rd person. Dale finally had to tell him "I've got to go now".
Speaking of Junior, he has a bit of a problem on his hands with NASCAR. They don't like you tinkering with stuff after you pass tech inspection. They won't say exactly what the infraction was other than it was with the rear spoiler. He'll gladly pay Tuesday for that hamburger today.
Tomorrow is when the real fun begins. Man, what I would'nt give to be camped out in the Daytona infield right now.
It's Official...
How about a montage of Speed-TV's resident hottie Krista Voda? (Barry beat me to the Danica Patrick swimsuit shoot)

Friday, February 15, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Missing In Action?

You just know there has to be some juicy stuff going on backstage at KTVT. First Tracy "Rehab" Rowlett now KK. Stay tuned faithfull readers, as soon as I know, you will know. "Off the record, on the QT and very hush-hush."
Oh, This Is Good Stuff

Our favorite big business and authoritarian government lackey Phil King got called on the carpet Friday night in Millsap during a bipartisan town meeting of the candidates for the District 61 seat in the Texas House.
It seems besides taking freebies from big busnesses that come before his committee and licking Tom Craddick's boots he likes to take credit for stuff he did'nt do.
I did like this quote from Democrat Charles Randolph:
“I think one of the most abused, misunderstood and un-listened-to portions of the population is the middle-class working man.”
You're singing my song Charlie.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Gas Prices
Why on God's green Earth are we paying an extra 20 cents a gallon for gas? I gotta get a diesel pickup and start homebrewing me some biodiesel.
Here's Something I Don't Have To Look at For Another 6 Months

He was happy with the results, but I did get a 5 minute lecture on the 10 pounds I gained since September. Curse you Thanksgiving leftovers!!! He also said my heart was pumping at 65% and seemed happy about that. 65% is good? I need to pass that along to all my teachers I had in High School. You guys were way too tough on me!
Now, I think I'll celebrate with a #3 at Casillas'!
Sunday, February 10, 2008

It's Red Dawn Meets Damnation Alley kicked up a few notches.
The show features a great cast lead by Skeet Ulrich, Pamela Reed, Gerald McRainey, Alicia Coppola (rowr!) and Lennie James. If you have'nt seen Jericho you have a chance to get indoctrinated with marathons on UniversalHD andSciFi leading up to the Tuesday night season 2 premier.
I hate to shamelessly shill for anything, but Jericho needs every viewer it can get. I don't think you will be disappionted.
Don't make me program your DVR!!
Gentlemen, Start Your Engines!!! or In Your Face Teresa!!!

He was a man on a mission...
That mission was to shove a grapefruit into the face of Teresa Earnhardt and DEI. He proved that he was not dependant on the #8 car or the DEI nameplate. He proved that he was a highly skilled driver and with proper equiptment under him and no drama surrounding him, he could win and win impressively.
He proved you can't run a race team from a yacht in The Bahamas. He proved he might just know a bit more about racing than someone that has never turned a competitive lap. Maybe he has'nt screwed as many drivers as she has, but he's beat every driver she's screwed. Have fun running DEI into the ground. Just how many #3 replica cars and t-shirts does it take to fill up a yacht anyway?
Friday, February 8, 2008
Alert Al Sharpton!!!
It could'nt be a violent young black man doing violent acts.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Another One Bites The Dust

Of course I'm speaking of John McCain, a man I had great respect for until he started kissing Bush's ass after 9/11. Other than that I really have no problems with McCain. I wonder if the Swift Boat Boys will make a run at McCain since he called them on the carpet during the last election?
Yeah, I know Ron Paul is still in the running, but let's be realistic. That ain't gonna happen.
On the Democratic side of things, it's still swinging back and forth. I really could'nt tell you who is going to come out on top of that one. I had an interesting conversation the other day with a 93 year old woman who told me she was a "staunch Democrat" that had never voted for a Republican in her life. She said she could'nt see herself voting for a woman or a black man for president.
I'm not sure if I'm ready for that either. I know the 60's was a long time ago, but I still remember what happened and I'm not too sure it would'nt happen again.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Movie of the Week

So, without further adieu, I give you the jumping off point for our journey into the arts...
Film: Casablanca
This is arguably the greatest film in the history of ever. Yeah, it's no Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back, but then again what is? I caught it again on TCM last night and I was reminded of the greatness of Bogart, the beauty of Ingrid Bergman and the hypnotic effect this film has. Claude Rains gives the performance of his brilliant career. Filling in the background of this film is a cast of phenominal porportions featuring notorious Nazi-hater Conrad Veidt and great Warner contract players S.Z. Sakall, Sydney Greenstreet and Peter Lorre. Dooley Wilson also gives an unforgettable performance.
Lightning in a bottle...
“Casablanca” is, by most accounts, the zenith of the Hollywood studio system era of filmmaking. In the early decades, films were made at a rapid clip; it was common for one studio to put out a staggering 50 films in any given year. The Hal Wallis production of “Casablanca” was supposed to be just another in the W.B. lot, but it became much more; it became a beckon of cooperation between cast and crew in painstakingly staging a faux foreign locale on a vast back lot while working from a now famous script that was so rugged the leading lady never really knew which of the two male leads she was supposed to be in love with. Wallis had a hardened visualist in director Michael Curtiz, a contract player on the verge of becoming an icon in Humphrey Bogart, a gorgeous and talented actress in Ingrid Bergman, the top composer of the era in Max Steiner, and quite possibly the best supporting cast in film history.
And no, Bogart never says "Play it again, Sam!"
My Cardiologist Would Not Approve

If you've never tasted Mary Casillas' cooking you are missing one of the finer things in life. I've been eating Mary's cooking since I was kid when they had a makeshift restaurant in their house.
EDIT:Looks like I may have Mary Sue and Mary Helen confused. No harm intended, just damn good Mexican food!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Blogger Please!
Hopefully this will pass quickly. For the time being I'm relegated to my PDA.
Stay tuned sport fans!
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Love / Hate Relationships