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The stars at night are big and bright...
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Ancient Chinese Secret, Huh?
A 59 year old chef in China passed out after a night of heavy drinking with his pals. According to The Sun, his buddies decided instead of doing something juvenile like taking a Magic Marker to his face that they would go the extra mile and take it a bit more extreme. Like shoving a 50 centimeter Asian Swamp eel up his rectum instead.
Later after his "friends" figured out he was dead, they rushed him to the emergency room where doctors discovered the eel had eaten thru his bowels.
2 things:
Don't pass out around Chinese guys.
If I'm found dead, there's no need to rush me to the ER.
Someone sent me that story link also.
The Chinese guy, if he hadn't been dead, was probably thinking "with friends like these, who needs enemas?"
This brings whole new meaning to mom saying "If you hang out with them bad things will happen"
To Donald...
That was HORRIBLE but REAAAALLLY funny.
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