While we're on the subject of interiors, check out the floor and walls. Those are some busy patterns going on! The bathroom tile pattern is so bad I'm going to have to install those handicap rails in the shower so I can hang on thru the vertigo. The carpeting is hard to distinguish in the photo, but it's harvest gold shag. It's like a live action version of That 70's Show. I swear I expect Red Foreman to pop his head in the door at any second and call me a dumbass. I'd much rather have Jackie pop her head out of the loft bunk, but this is a semi-respectable blog so I won't go there.
I found a small 300 watt home theater system on eBay for under $100 and installed it in the rear bunk/lounge area. I also managed to resurrect my 26" LCD-TV that died last year. I'm a freakin' electronics genius! Just call me Jonas Nightingale. I'm going to have a bracket fabricated so it will hang in the rear window. It's the perfect size. That would keep the table cleared off for dining, handguns, empty beer cans, ect.
[edit: Let it be known that I did not premeditate bribing a certain metal fabricator into making previously mentioned TV bracket for me. Let it also be known that I'm a terrible liar.]
The only thing left to test is the LP gas system and appliances. I have to get the tank filled, but I can't drive it to get that done because I still don't have tags for it. What IS the freaking hold up?
[edit Part Deux: Huge thanks to Brotherinlaw over at M/R Fabrication for making the TV bracket. It looks great. Just like a professional did it or something. Best case of beer I've ever spent!]
I love your pirate curtain! I have a shirt that a kid bought me in Cancun that says "I AM the Booty" with the pirate pic on it.
It's cute, too!
Welcome to the Circus my Man....
Okay...I told them you were good...don't let me down...you are a great writer....
Thanks for the compliment. At least there's no pressure to perform now.
Looks like a pretty sweet set-up!
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