The stars at night are big and bright...

The stars at night are big and bright...
The stars at night are big and bright...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

We Now Return You To Our Regularly Scheduled Programming

Sorry about the gap in posts but I've been busy doing battle with a bunch of knuckleheads on a web forum I hang out at. It has a LOT in common with the comment section over at LLDQ. Trust me there are knuckleheads outside of Wise County... a bunch of them.

Well by now you know the name of Trevor Bayne, Daytona 500 Champion. That was a fairy tale that just couldn't have been scripted any better. I just hope he's not a 1 Hit Wonder like Derek Cope. He seems like a really good guy with a bright future.

Guess I can't call Jeff Gordon "Wonderboy" anymore...
Jeff Gordon and future Daytona 500 Champion Trevor Bayne

The remodeling is almost complete on the store and we have a new name! We are no longer Chico Foods and Nocona Finer Foods, both stores are now under the MarketPlace banner. I've heard nothing but positive comments from customers.

Not counting chickens just yet, but I've been sketching designs for a new hen house. Early flowback results on the well look maaavelous.

Somebody said it rained the other day? I think it was just a rumor.

According to our poll, apparently Kid Rock IS the new Willie Nelson. Personally, I don't see it.

I put gas in The Goat tonight. The last gas I bought was $2.86. It was $3.25 tonight and I filled the tank. Might easily turn out to be the cheapest gas I'll buy in the next 6 months.

I've been really lax on TV and film reviews lately. Sorry about that, but I got the tiredhead. I'll try to pick up the slack and keep you up to date. Good news is the new season of Justified  has just started on FX. You can catch the exploits of U.S. Marshal Raylen "The Hillbilly Whisperer" Givens every Wednesday night and it hasn't missed a beat. If anything it's picking up steam. Hard to beat Elmore Leonard stuff and he is heavily involved with this series.

AMC is currently rerunning the full series of Breaking Bad (the best show on TV) with 2 episodes back to back late night every Thursday. They are up to "The Cousins" finding Walter. Greatness...

And to finish things up on a bright note, I have a nuclear stress test scheduled for early Tuesday morning at my Cardiologist. I've gained over 20lbs since my last one. I also have to fast the night before for a blood test.

I'm really looking forward to this lecture. Good times ahead...

The good news is I will be full frontal assaulting China Dragon Super Buffet on Airport Freeway just as soon as I walk out of my Cardiologist's office.

Man can't live by Lipitor alone.

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