Yeah, I know it's Sunday for you, but it's Friday for me. Being on an altered schedule from the rest of the planet has it's ups and downs. More downs than ups to be honest. It puts my social life at less than zero, make ordinary things like taking trash to the dump a pain in the ass (closed Monday & Tuesday), I miss watching most live sporting events (including NASCAR) and I can never make 2nd Monday Trade Days in Bowie. Surprisingly, even tho it's called 2nd Monday it's on Saturday and Sunday.
On the up side, I get to indulge the mediaphile inside me and stay up to watch the best night of original programming on television. Between HBO, Showtime and Cartoon Network's Adult Swim 98% of the shows worth watching are on. Thank God for DVR's and West Coast feeds.
Take tonight for instance. Start out with HBO's Big Love and Flight of the Conchords followed by Showtime's Secret Diary of a Callgirl and United States of Tara. Then a quick flip to Adult Swim for Robot Chicken, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Superjail and Metalocalypse.
The programs change during the year, but they put the best they have to offer out on Sunday nights. Dexter, Entourage, Californication, Weeds, The Venture Brothers, Squidbillies and HBO miniseries are other shows of greatness that call Sunday night home. But hey all have one thing in common. They are the cream of the creative crop that the networks have to offer.
On the up side, I get to indulge the mediaphile inside me and stay up to watch the best night of original programming on television. Between HBO, Showtime and Cartoon Network's Adult Swim 98% of the shows worth watching are on. Thank God for DVR's and West Coast feeds.
Take tonight for instance. Start out with HBO's Big Love and Flight of the Conchords followed by Showtime's Secret Diary of a Callgirl and United States of Tara. Then a quick flip to Adult Swim for Robot Chicken, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Superjail and Metalocalypse.
The programs change during the year, but they put the best they have to offer out on Sunday nights. Dexter, Entourage, Californication, Weeds, The Venture Brothers, Squidbillies and HBO miniseries are other shows of greatness that call Sunday night home. But hey all have one thing in common. They are the cream of the creative crop that the networks have to offer.
So to recap, while you're going clubbing, watching sports, meeting with friends and having cookouts I'm getting the job done. And when you are waking up to go to work Monday morning, I'm staying up late watching TV then snuggled up like a burrito in my blanket sleeping til Noon.
Like I said, more downs than ups.
Damn I forgot about big love going in there now to catch up.
Lucy: The Daughter of The Devil, Squidbillys, Moral Orel, The Boondocks and of course Space Ghost Coast to Coast are among the best programs to EVER be on television.
where is adult swim? what channel?
Adult Swim is on Cartoon Network after 9pm. Some really funny stuff.
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