Have you heard of a thing called fracturization, Mandrake?
Ah, yes I have heard of that. Yes Jack. Yes.
Well, you know what it is?
No. No. I don't know.
Do you realize that fracturization is a most monsterously conceived and dangerous communist plot that we've ever had to face? We must form a Water Conservation District to stop them from using all our water for fracturization!
That's basicly what played out over the last couple of years. Using the fear card that we would lose all our precious groundwater for industrial use, Austin forced us to form the Upper Trinity Groundwater Conservation District. This week the boardmembers met and voted to set a user fee of 22 cents per thousand gallons for water suppliers, municipalities, commercial operators.
In otherwords, if your town draws water from a well your water bill just went up 22 cents per thousand gallons. Thank goodness we are now safe from fracturization using all our groundwater. (We accept Visa, MasterCard and Cash!)
I want a do-over - I pasted when I should have cut - delete the first if you can, rpm.
HFJC! I voted for this, thinking it would be a good thing, and now they've gone and "beaurocratted" it all up.
"Board members said they came up with the $175 registration fee after reviewing all of the software, personnel and equipment that would be necessary to register a minimum of 600 wells next year."
I cringe when I hear folks say 600 or 650 or something is a HUGE amount of data. I'm used to hundreds of thousands of COMPLEX records, not just 600 or even 1,000.
"$800,000 to $844,000 to pay for the board's operating expenses."
Is that per year operating expenses? Are the board members going to draw salaries?
Dayum, I knew I should have put my name in the hat to be on that board!
I need to start going to these meetings. Sounds like there might be some idiots in charge right now. One of 'ems my neighbor - he's gonna have to answer a few questions.
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