Google analytics says we are on the precipis of an historic milepost at the humble little ol' South 40. Let's just say there might be a balloon drop and warm, flat champagne involved. But we need your help for it to happen.
You tell 2 friends and they'll tell two friends, and so on, and so on, and so on.... Does anybody even use Breck shampoo anymore??? Maybe that was'nt the best pop culture reference to pull out of my hat. Possibly explains why nobody has voted for me either...
And while we're on the subject of unabashed shameless self-promotion, get your butt over to Silicone Alley's and vote for President of The Blogosphere. Hopefully that vote will be for yours truly.
No pressure here. No undue influence upon you. Let your conscience be your guide. BUT... if your conscience needs a little help just remember who posted the beefcake ladies! Maybe we'll see some more.... maybe we won't....
Yeah, I'm reduced to whoring out my journalistic standards for votes. But, it is an election year and I'm sucking hind teat.
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