The stars at night are big and bright...

The stars at night are big and bright...
The stars at night are big and bright...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Trivia Answer

It comes from an episode of The Simpsons,

"Grandpa vs Sexual Inadequacy"

Abe: [points to old TV] There she is, the old Radiation King! You'd park yourself right there and watch for hours on end.[young Homer's shadow is burned into the floor and wall]

[flashback to Homer watching Kennedy]

Kennedy: If I may, Helen, I'd like to respond to that question with yet another flip remark.[reporters laugh, sigh]

Homer: Wow. [walks into kitchen] Look at me, er, uh, Mom. I am,er, uh, President Kennedy.

Mrs. Simpson: Oh, Abe. Maybe our Homer could grow up to be President some day.

Abe: You, President? This is the greatest country in the world! We've got a whole system set up to prevent peoplelike you from ever becoming president. Quit your daydreaming, melonhead!

[back in the present]

Abe: Quit your daydreaming, melonhead!

It seems it is also featured in the video game Fallout 3.

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