Monday, March 31, 2008
I'm A Pilot
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Good Lord, Am I Really That Old? or Welcome To Middle Age Crisisland

Saturday, March 29, 2008
And They Call It Puppy Love...
Both charges are second-degree felonies and carry penalties of two to 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000.
This kid just royally screwed his future. (No pun intended) He was ranked eighth in his class and an all-state band member. Instead of heading off to college he'll more than likely be living out his own version of The Shawshank Redemption.
UPDATE: Robert Wyatt Evans pleaded “nolo contendere” to injury to a child, the elderly or disabled, a third-degree felony. He received five years intensive probation, deferred, which means that the rules he must adhere to are more stringent than regular probation. He successfully completed the probation, the case was not be entered as a conviction on his criminal record.
The O' Club
Now, The O' Club is not exactly what you would expect to find on a gamer site. The members are, for the most part, very educated and come from diverse backgrounds. I personally know of doctors, lawyers, engineers, drill instructors, bankers, artists and of course professional pilots from all over the world that post there on a daily basis. There are not many subjects you will not find discussed and debated there. It also is a great source for news and information. You will be surprised how fast you will find answers to things that have you stumped.
The membership tends to lean heavily to the conservative right, but that just makes it more interesting when discussing liberal viewpoints. You get to see exactly what the other side is thinking and why.
I highly reccomend you take the time to stop by and explore. You may just become as obsessed with it as I am.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Bridgeport High Gets It's Own Serial Killer
Man, is Decatur gonna be pissed. I wonder if they will show it at the Plaza Cinema III?
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
This Is The End, My Friends

Last season Jericho was pulling 10.5 million viewers in the fall. In the spring it dropped to 8.1 million. This season it's been averaging around 6 million. There's no one to blame but ourselves.
Edit: What a great episode. The writers really did a good job of tying up loose ends and plenty of action up to and including aerial combat between Allied States F-15's and F-16's of the Texas Air National Guard. Don't mess with Texas.
I'll give them credit, they left room for more episodes. They had every intention of another season.
So long Jericho, you will be missed.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Survey Says...
I'll take obscure Texas references for $1000, Alex.
A "cedarhacker" is the nickname for someone that lives near the Brazos River in the region of Possum Kingdom Lake. I learned this the hard way while DJ/bartender/bouncer at The Old Corral Club south of Graham in Palo Pinto County. After a particularly bloody barfight one night someone made the comment "them cedarhackers are some tough SOB's".
I learned that cedarhackers were backwoods folk that cut down cedar trees and sold them as fenceposts for a living. This was before the days of steel T-posts. Swinging an axe all day and being out in the woods for weeks at a time made them some stout and ornery individuals. When them boys came to town they had 3 things on their mind: drinking, fighting and getting laid (not necessarily in that order). The name stuck and morphed into meaning any redneck or "Bubba" that lived out along the Brazos River near PK.
Altho the practice of using cedar fenceposts has long disappeared, (and trust me on this) there are plenty of people that still fit the bill as "cedarhackers". If you have any doubts, just head into a beerjoint on the west side of PK and try to pick up one of the local women. You'll find a cedarhacker sooner than you may think.
Actually, one will find you.
This concludes this edition of Who Wants To Learn An Obscure Texas Reference.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
John Adams

Normally, my eyes glaze over when watching films about the revolution. Long, grandiose speeches and stoic portrayals are about as exciting as watching paint dry. In this case it's more like watching Rembrandt create a masterpiece. The story is given feeling and passion along with painstaking attention to detail. Perfect case in point is the fear of smallpox Abigail has. From scrubbing her floor on her hands and knees with a scour to the decision to inoculate herself and her children against the disease knowing full well that it could go horribly wrong and cause death. That was about as unsettling a scene as I have ever watched on TV.
It also breaks some stereotypes about our founding fathers. Take Thomas Jefferson for instance. I have always seen him depicted as a great orator, but here he is shown as a quiet introvert. Nobody really knows what he is thinking until he puts pen to paper and he does so with a magnificent prose and passion.
This is a Playtone production and it shows. Tom Hanks has once again raised the bar for quality. This should be required viewing for all students.
If you missed the first two episodes, they are being replayed thruout the week on the various HBO channels. New episodes on Sunday night. I can't recommend it highly enough.
RCR 1-2-3
I've decided to stop posting NASCAR results on a regular basis due to my work schedule. The results are widely known before I have a chance to post. I usually don't see the race until the next day and sometimes later.
So, not unlike a defeated candidate, I throw all my NASCAR support to fellow blogger and NASCAR media insider John Daly and The Daly Planet. Besides, John does a far better job of covering the NASCAR scene than I ever could. He has a great breakdown of NASCAR Now and This Week in NASCAR. Looks like Allen Bestwick has emerged from the ashes to avenge his not-so-polite ouster from Inside Winston Cup (yeah, I'm old school) and his demotion from play-by-play to pit reporter by NBC (who totally screwed the pooch going with Bill Webber).
FOX does a lot of things right in NASCARland, but firing Allen was not one of them. That has become apparent with the success of ESPN's "Monday Roundtable" edition of NASCAR Now. They just need to move the show to primetime instead of early afternoon with a latenight replay.
Fear not faithful motorsports fans, when I do find something extraordinary I will not hesitate to bring it to your attention.
Also a sneak peak, I will be camping at Texas Motor Speedway April 4, 5 & 6. I will try to document the madness and bring it to you as close to realtime as possible. Hey, is it my fault if young female race fans get feel the need to get drunk and expose their supple bodies to me?
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Those Cedarhackers Will Drink Anything!

Thursday, March 13, 2008
It's The World's Gone Crazy Cotillion
All this in the span of an hour! Aye carumba!
The Wisdom Of Icky Twerp
I guess there was a good reason my childhood revolved around getting home in time to watch Slam Bang Theater. This was great stuff! And as this clip shows, politics hasn't changed that much in 40 years.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Royale With Cheese, Please!

I also noticed a new liquor store at the P&W Center, Moonshine Liquors.
Sniff, my little town is growing up...
I Always Knew She Was Hotter!

We can all sleep better at night now?
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Stanley, NO!

CBS is a fool not to renew this series. It's simply the best network drama on the air. Hopefully, in the next few weeks we will find out the fate for a new season of Jericho. You can help! Episodes are available for download online and there are 2 episodes left. Those final 2 episodes should be greatness. You owe it to yourself to catch what could be the end of one of TV's great stories.
Let's hope there is a God and CBS brings the cast and crew of Jericho back one more time.
There is a great article about Brad Beyer here.
Ladies, you can thank me for the beefcake later...
Monday, March 10, 2008
How NOT to Conduct An Interview or When G33ks R3vol7

She provoked the wrath of the crowd with long-winded, pointless stories, constant references to her past interviews with Zuckerberg, plugs for her upcoming book on Facebook, and her attitude that Facebook is all about her.
The crowd's grumbling of discontent broke into thunderous applause when, during one of Lacy's tortuous stories, Zuckerberg said, "You have to ask a question."
After that, the wheels fell off this interview train when someone yelled out, "Talk about something interesting!" to which Lacy replied, "You try doing what I do for a living!"
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Oh Hell Yeah!!!
The Collings Foundation has a B-17, a B-24 and a B-25 there. For a $10 donation you can explore the interiors or for a paultry $425 you can actually go up in the vintage warbirds! For those unfamiliar with the history of these planes this is something big. The B-24 was manufactured in Ft. Worth in August 1944 at Consolidated Aircraft, now known as Lockheed/Martin.
Don't worry, if you can't make it to Alliance by Monday the planes will be in Denton thru Wednesday then at Love Field until March 23rd. See you there!
Friday, March 7, 2008
The Most Hated Woman In Texas
I think the big problem is she was one of the last links to Harold Taft. In Harold we trust. His word was fact. He knew what he was doing and he knew what it took to forecast complex Texas weather. Heck, he invented TV weather! Rebecca was hand picked by Harold and everyone knew it. She had "the right stuff".
But let's face it, this isn't Harold's television anymore. This is corporate homogenized, ratings driven, dog eat dog TV. Channel 5 was "The Texas News". My grandparents tuned the Zenith in for few things, but they did for the Channel 5 news. They did because they trusted what they heard, not what the person on screen looked like.
Enter Susan Tully. She's from the northeast and most likely wants to get back there as fast as possible. Since she's exiled down here in Texas, she does'nt want to be surrounded by a bunch of yokels. She wants to put together a nice aircheck tape of programs that look good in New York or Philly so she can get "a real job" there.
First she canned Scott Chesner, another hand picked meteorologist by Harold, and brought in James Aydelott from Pennsylvania. She then set her sights on Rebecca, but viewers have had enough and are letting her know about it. Ms. Tully has requested that all inquiries regarding Rebecca Miller be directed to her. Please feel free to contact her by email or phone KXAS at 817-429-5555.
A letter from Rebecca is posted at Uncle Barky. Let's hope she finds a new home in D/FW soon. And let's hope Susan Tully finds her a new home in New England even sooner.
The Big C

In fact, it has the highest fatality rate of all cancers and the average life expectancy after diagnosis is three to six months. Wow...
Here it is in the year 2008 and we still have not found a cure for cancer. Yeah, the treatments have improved and are less barbaric. Early detection has greatly improved and lowered the numbers, but we still do not have a cure.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Harold Taft Is Spinning In His Grave

Wednesday, March 5, 2008
G - O - L - D
You know when Evel Knevel calls you a fool, you might want to pay attention.
I heard about this on Russ Martin's show today. Daredevil Ken Carter prepares to jump a rocket powered Lincoln Continental over a MILE WIDE section of the St. Lawrence Seaway in 1979.
This is a clip from the documentary following the 5 year quest to jump the river entitled Devil At Your Heels. It is pure gold. I have to find a copy of this film!! The whole backstory of the jump is just crazy. Sounds like a perfect candidate for Movie of the Week.
Five years into the project, on September 26, 1979, everything finally seems in order: the ramp, the weather, even the rocket car, housed in the body of a Lincoln Continental. A Hollywood producer has underwritten the stunt for exclusive film rights, on the condition there be no live audience. Fire trucks, rescue boats and helicopters stand by as Carter straps himself in, and the countdown begins. However, a mere five seconds before takeoff, a mechanical failure forces him to abort the mission. Sadly, this is the closest he'll ever come to realizing his dream.
Nine days pass. The film crew suspects Carter has lost his nerve and, not wanting to lose any more money, secretly convinces Carter's friend Ken Powers hijack the stunt. Powers doesn't hesitate. With only a few spectators on hand, Powers blasts the car down the runway; meanwhile, Carter sits in his hotel room,unaware of what's afoot.
The bumpy ramp prevents the car from hitting the requisite 270 mph, going only 180 as it launches into the air. The wind immediately tears off its paneling as its parachutes halfway deploy. The car flies a paltry 506 feet, far short of a mile, and crash-lands in knee-deep water. Powers breaks eight vertebrae, three ribs, and a wrist. The footage is spectacular.
Carter soon discovers what happened and is understandably furious, exploding into a muffled rage behind his hotel room door. After spending five years and a million dollars chasing his dream, a backstabbing friend jumped his car off of his ramp, stealing his thunder.
Sadly, Carter was killed instantly in a car jump just a few years later.
Dialup warning: The clip is 4 minutes long, but well worth the wait. Trust me.
A Few Quick Hits
Man, what are the writers at Jericho trying to do to me? First they killed off Johnston Green, now they killed off the smoking hot deaf girl! I did'nt see that one coming.
I have been fighting off this stomach flu for at least a week now. Today I go to DEFCON 2 and unleash the extra hot salsa from Casillas'. BURN IT OUT!!!
More later, if I survive...
Monday, March 3, 2008
Texas Weather: Part Deux
Is That The Best You Got?!?!
Pete Delkis showed some pretty ugly stuff blowing thru Bridgeport and Decatur on radar. Altho I noticed 5 wind shear warnings a full 2 minutes before he decided to pay attention to them. He was focused on trying to get his storm track software to plot the time into Ft.Worth. Screw Wise County, we don't have enogh viewers. I guess we'll see the results tomorrow.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Super Tuesday Poll
Hopefully we will have a few more visitors than we have had lately (is this blog really that dull?)and we can get a peek at how the election will go.
Zogby, eat your heart out.
OK, Wise County. Vote early and vote often!!
Movie of the Week: The Andromeda Strain

More Science fact than science fiction, this movie was a huge hit when it was released back in 1971. It was a sample of things to come from author/screenwriter Michael Crichton and another solid success from producer/director Robert Wise.