The stars at night are big and bright...

The stars at night are big and bright...
The stars at night are big and bright...

Monday, February 1, 2010

Generation Gap

I often discuss movies with coworkers. I seem to have stumbled upon the Grand Canyon of generation gaps, it's the movie "Airplane!". I was stunned that almost everyone under 25 had not seen or even heard of the Zucker/Abrahms/Zucker classic from 1980. Surely you can't be serious.

Kids these days... sheesh! (And don't call me Shirley)


an Donalbane said...

Roger, Roger. What's the vector, Victor?

And that girl really knew how to turn on the auto-pilot.

Airplane, and The Three Amigos are two of the best comedy movies ever.

el chupacabra said...

The weird thing and to show you're absolutely right- in the course of previous employment I was also around a lot of young movie fans who had somehow missed this gem, but had watched everything else from that generation.
Youth- it's wasted on young people.

el chupacabra said...

PS,"A hat, a broach, a pteradactyl"

Ha ha ha greatness

an Donalbane said...

And Mrs. Cleaver, speaking jive!


Ryan said...

I had forgotten The Three Amigos, greatness.

an Donalbane said...

...and I'm pretty sure the only gladiator movie I ever saw was one with Kirk Douglas...