The stars at night are big and bright...

The stars at night are big and bright...
The stars at night are big and bright...

Monday, May 4, 2015

Proof said Gods are against said blogger

Told you I raked my ankle good. It looks worse than it is where the discoloration is at. The pain is above my ankle and that part looks fine. Old age and blood thinners...

But yeah, up there it hurts like Hell and below looks like something Gauguin came up with after a few shots of absinthe and opium. In lieu of paid professional medical care which would cost the taxpayers, i.e. you money since I'm on VA Care, I'm using holistic herbal therapy along with a Kentucky home remedy. Hopefully, it will be a slooow recovery. 

1 comment:

an Donalbane said...

A little "mountain" poultice and you'll be fine...