The stars at night are big and bright...

The stars at night are big and bright...
The stars at night are big and bright...

Monday, December 30, 2013

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Monday, December 16, 2013

A bit ahead of schedule, but what the Hell..

I usually reserve this song until Christmas, but it actually happened today at our Dysfunctional Modern Family Redneck Christmas gathering. Fortunately, I brought a quart of moonshine soaked cherries that defused the situation just enough to prevent any barefoot rasslin'/knife fights in the backyard over hurt feelings/long running feuds among the factions.

That's a win no matter how you look at it.

Science, Bitch!

At 2:09 in the 2nd I correctly predicted the outcome of the game.

Friday, December 13, 2013

The Wrong Stuff

I caught the Republican Lt. Governor primary debate. It was a low budget production by KCEN Waco/Temple/Killeen and reminded me of the press conference scene from The Right Stuff.
"Why Yes, I attend church regularly!"

It was a sad demonstration of what we have in store for leadership in Texas. 

As inconceivable as it may be, one of these yahoos will be the next Lieutenant Governor of Texas. 
God save us all.

Monday, December 9, 2013

The Ticket on TV-47

If you have been watching this, you've been watching next level greatness. I'll dig up stuff for an update later, but get to a TV now and start watching this...

Friday, December 6, 2013