The stars at night are big and bright...

The stars at night are big and bright...
The stars at night are big and bright...

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Oh The Pain, The Pain!

Guess what happens when you take a 6 hour fishing trip in the Caribbean and forget to put on sunblock? I can barely walk my legs are so sunburned. I'm slathering aloe vera on my knees constantly but it ain't helping. Last night to get some sleep I took 2 damp washcloths and stuck them in the freezer until they were frozen then put them on my knees. I could have sworn I heard them sizzle when they touched the skin.

Today it's raining so I blew off the Monkey River tour. Probably a good thing because I'm not sure how far I could hike with these lobster legs.


Barnacle said...

looks like you picked the better day to go to sea!

el chupacabra said...

Dewd, rub some dirt, spider monkey blood and aloe on it, walk it off and call it good.

If all else fails call a whambulance.

Regardless homes- you're in Belize and the rest of us jerks are getting geared up for work tomorrow so we might not be tooo sympathetic.

RPM said...

No kiddin' Barn. On the bright side it's nice and cool today!