I'm hitting the road right after work tonight and heading to Texas Motor Speedway. The posting around here may be slower than usual for a few days, but I will be updating from the track. Unfortunately, I will be limited to using my PDA. Maybe I can figure out how to post some pics from the track.
If you watch any of SPEED Channel's coverage keep an eye out for me. I'll be hanging around their stage for Trackside and a few other shows.
I'm thinking about making a sign to hold up during the broadcasts. Any suggestions?
Off topic: Last night's episode of Friday Night Lights featured a very funny cameo by Texas Tech head coach Mike Leach. It was shot back in September at an Austin area gas station.
edit: Tip of the Hat to Bryann for the clip. I got it several days ago but wasn't able to edit until now. Thanks!
As for the sign, something, something, The South 40, Wise County, or maybe just that.
Or, in Sili's honor - "F^CK! My dilly bopper still ain't workin', but I drove over here anyway."
For sure, I will not be watching that channel, so I won't see you, so don't mind what I say.
Do have mucho fun though - I know you've been waiting for this grand event.
Sign: This Is Bat Country!
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